
CIDEHUS has one book collections with peer-review: Biblioteca: Estudos & Colóquios which aims to publish monographies on CIDEHUS site on the platform OpenEditionBooks

From 22.02.2017 to 15.04.2017

O CIDEHUS está disponível para ser instituição de acolhimento de novos doutorandos, tendo em vista o concurso de bolsas da FCT a decorrer entre 1 e 31 de Março de 2017.
Contacte-nos através de devendo os projectos ser enviados até 27 de Março.


Published in 16.02.2017
Na Radio Diana fm

Um programa do CIDEHUS sobre património Industrial com os investigadores Ana Cardoso de Matos, Armando Quintas e Maria da Luz Sampaio que será emitido hoje 25.01.2017 na Radio Diana FM, às 18h.

Com repetição Domingo 29.01.2017 às 13.30h e em

Published in 25.01.2017

Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de (1 - uma) Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado – História Moderna no âmbito do CIDEHUS – Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora, HIS/00057, com o apoio financeiro da FCT/MEC através de fundos nacionais e quando aplicável cofinanciado pelo FEDER, no âmbito do novo acordo de parceria PT2020.


Saber mais

Published in 12.01.2017
Leading Research | Advanced Practices | Future Trajectories

1-2 June 2017 | Coimbra, Portugal

This conference has two aims: First, to bring together leading creative tourism researchers with creative tourism networks and practitioners to outline “the state of the art” – the main lines of research and key issues in both the research and practice of creative tourism. What is the state of the art within creative tourism research and practice? What are the leading trends and contextualizing influences today? What are the key questions and issues to be addressed going forward? Second, to inform the development of a creative tourism network – CREATOUR – focusing on small cities and rural areas within the Norte, Centro, Alentejo and Algarve regions in Portugal. We are eager to learn from creative tourism efforts internationally that can advise the network’s development and the array of creative tourism practices to be conducted by the pilot initiatives within CREATOUR.


Call for Proposals

Deadline: February 14, 2017


Mais informações / More information

Published in 06.01.2017