Visiting Researchers

Adriano Comissoli
period of visit: 10/09/2009 a 28/02/2010
subject of investigation: Among tropical monarchs and platine municipalities: local government, elite and power in the Brazilian meridional fringes (1808c.-1831c.)
institution: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
country of origin: Brazil
supervisor in Portugal: Mafalda Soares da Cunha
researcher type: PhD
Aldair Carlos Rodrigues
Aldair Carlos Rodrigues
period of visit: 12/05/2008 a 06/08/2008
subject of investigation: Inquisition and ecclesiastical power in the eighteenth century Luso-Brazilian
institution: University of São Paulo
country of origin: Brazil
supervisor in Portugal: Fernanda Olival
researcher type: PhD
Cassiana Maria Mingotti Gabrielli
period of visit: 24/03/2008 a 15/05/2008
subject of investigation: Britons Capuchin missionaries and Portuguese colonization: cooperation and conflict
institution: University of São Paulo
country of origin: Brazil
supervisor in Portugal: Mafalda Soares da Cunha
researcher type: Master's degree
Marcos Aurélio de Paula Pereira
period of visit: 02/01/2006 a 23/12/2006
subject of investigation: The Minas Gerais Prometheus or Living among Kaffirs: life and political action of the Count of Assumar in the portuguese overseas, 1688-1756
institution: Fluminense Federal University
country of origin: Brazil
supervisor in Portugal: Mafalda Soares da Cunha
researcher type: PhD