Festival CineCarril: O Comboio na Neve (ÚLTIMA SESSÃO)

The Train in the Snow is a classic of children's literature in Croatia written by Mato Lovrak. In the 1970s, the adaptation was done by Mate Relja and instantly became a classic of Croatian cinema.


Interested parties can follow the session via Zoom and pre-register here.




The Train in the Snow is a classic of children's literature in Croatia written by Mato Lovrak. In the 1970s, the adaptation was done by Mate Relja and instantly became a classic of Croatian cinema.


These days the book and movie are considered part of Croatian cultural heritage and collective memory, which influenced a generation of children teaching and celebrating the values of harmony, work and unity.

The novel is part of mandatory primary school reading and the movie was screened as a part of UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in 2019.  Today, the train composition used in the film is part of the Croatian Railway Museum.



Nevena Ilic (1981) received M.A. in Art History and Museum Studies from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb.

Film photography became the center of her research, and in 2016 she finished her second master on the subject “Former factory Fotokemika as a museum of photography” on Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Universidade de Évora and Università degli Studi of Padua, dealing with the disappearance of analog photography from the global scene and its potential heritage value.

Nowadays, she lives in Portugal. As a Ph.D. student in the HERITAS program-Heritage Studies, University of Évora and Lisbon, her research focuses on the position of film photography in the 21st century, its recognition as heritage and its safeguarding globally.


This is the last session of the Festival CineCarril, part of the celebrations of the "European Year of Rail Transport". The action is promoted by the Erasmus Mundus TPTI Masters in collaboration with CIDEHUS - Évora University.

Interested parties can follow the session via Zoom and pre-register here.



Organization: Master Erasmus Mundus Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l'Industrie; CIDEHUS
From 16.12.2021 to 16.12.2021
17:00 | Evento Virtual