Hamsa - Journal of Jewish and Islamic Studies - # 8

The 8th Issue of Hamsa: Journal of Islamic and Arabic studies (2023) has been published.

 It includes five research articles that cover a wide range of topics related to the theme of the journal.

André Filipe Oliveira de Silva analyses the correspondence Teófilo Braga, a 19th Century Portuguese intellectual in his role as amateur Hebraist and Arabist. Pedro Lima Vasconcellos’ contribution explores the evolution of early Islam and the Quran through the texts of John of Damascus (8th Century). Carsten L. Wilke studies the construction of Jewish history and its interpretations at different moments of time, while Susanne Härtel investigates Jewish population in several cities of the Ottoman Empire at the beginnings of the 16th century and the effect that the arrival of Sephardic refugees had on them. Finally, Susana Brauner and Rayen Torres delve into the sense of identity among Argentine Jews of Syrian Origin in Argentina from the second half of the 20th century onwards.

The issue includes a new section dedicated to book reviews, with contributions by Colinda Lindermann and Marc Herman.

Link: https://journals.openedition.org/hamsa/2555


Published in 11.11.2022