Editing rules

Standards for text production

The following instructions aim to provide the basic standards for editing texts (articles, communications, and others) to be published by CIDEHUS.

Authors are required to follow these standards with the utmost rigour.

  1.  Author(s) and text presentation

  The text shall be preceded by a presentation:

1)  Title: Arial 14, centred. Title and subtitle must be separated by a full stop.

2)  Author(s): Surname, first name: Arial 12, italic, centred.

3)  Institution/Affiliation, e-mail: Arial 10, italic, centred.

2.  Text Layout

1)  Text size shall be given in word count, case by case.

2)  Software: MSWord or equivalent.

3)  Sequential page numbering.

4)  Justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing.

5)  Tabulation: 1.25.

6)  Abstracts (100-200 words) – in the original language and in English.

7)  Keywords (4-6): Arial 12 – in the original language and in English.

8)  Footnotes with automatic numbering: text in font, justified, 1 line spacing.

9)  Figures: Diagrams, charts and images must be delivered on separate files, sequentially numbered and with a clear indication of the insertion location in the text, on JPG or PNG format (preferential), with a minimum of 300 dpi and up to 3,000 pixels. The respective legends should be centred and written under the figures. Arial 10, centred, simple line spacing. Designation in bold, legend text normal.

Authors are fully responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material contained in their work.

10)  Abbreviations: abbreviations shall not be used in the title, or abstract, and its use in the text should be limited. Every abbreviation must be explained upon its first mention.

11)  Use guillemets («  ») not quotation marks (“  “).

3.  Bibliographical references and quotations

A - Bibliographical references

The references must comply with the NP405-1, 2, 3 and NP405-4 standards, and be presented at the end of the text, in alphabetic order, according to the author(s) surname. Only the works mentioned in the text should be referenced.

When excerpts, or works, were not directly consulted by the author and the quotation was seen in another author’s work, the quotation must be preceded by «q. by» (quoted by).

1. Bibliographical references of printed documents

1.1 - Monographs

Case 1 – Single-author monographs

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title: Title complement in italic. Location: Publisher.

Ex. PATTON, Michael (2002) – Qualitative research and evaluation methods . London: Sage Publications.

Case 2 – Monographs with up to 3 authors

Up to three authors, all are mentioned. If one is highlighted, he/she should be mentioned first. If all are presented in the same way, they are mentioned by order of presentation.

Ex. ADLER, John H.; SCHELESSING, Edgar ……………….

Case 3 – More than three authors

When the work has more than three authors only the first name, or the leading name, is mentioned, followed by the expression [et. al.].

Ex. HARKINS, William [et. al.]  …………………

Case 4 – Monographs with editors, organizers, coordinators, compilers

EDITOR’S SURNAME, First name (ed./org./…) (date) – Title: Title complement in italic. Location: Publisher

Ex. KINSLEY, James (ed.) (1971) – Poems and songs. London: Oxford University Press

Case 5 – Book chapters

SURNAME, First name (date) - Title of the contribution between quotation marks In SURNAME (monograph’s author), First name - Monograph’s Title. Location: Publisher, page numbers

Ex. HUGHES, D.; GALINSKY, E. (1988). “Balancing work and family lives:Research and corporate applications”. In Gottfried, A. E.; Gottfried, A. W. (eds.). In Maternal employment and children’s development. New York: Plenum, pp. 301-345.

1.2 – Publication series

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title of the article. Title of the publication series in italic. Location. Vol., No, p. -.

Ex. FERREIRA, Nuno Cordeiro (2003) – Bioquímica do récem-nascido. Revista Portuguesa de Pediatria . Lisboa. Vol. 2, n º 1, p.12-20.

1.3. Thesis, dissertations and other academic examinations

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title in italic. Location: Publisher. Type of academic examination.

Ex.1. VENTURA, João José Belchior Guerreiro (2001) – As bibliotecas e a esfera pública . Lisboa: ISCTE. Tese de Doutoramento.

Ex.2. PAIVA, José Pedro (1990) – Medo e necessidade . Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra. Trabalho de síntese apresentado à Faculdade de Letras como prova de capacidade científica.

1.4. Norms

Abbreviation and norm number. Year – Title. Location: Publisher.

Ex. NF Z 44-005. 1964 – Références bibliographiques. Paris: AFNOR.

1.5. Unpublished documents

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title. Access (Institution, Location, Country).

Ex. DOMINGUES, Fernanda (1990) – Guia do utilizador da Biblioteca Municipal de Carcavelos . Acessível na Biblioteca Municipal de Carcavelos, Carcavelos, Portugal.

Note: References to this type of document should be avoided as much as possible.

1.6 Parts or volumes of printed books

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title of the part or volume: title complement. In Book Title in italic. Location: Publisher, ISBN. Location in the book Pt., Vol., p. .

Ex. 1: FERREIRA, Fernando Tavares (1996) – Trabalhar com camadas. In Photoshop CS2: curso completo . Lisboa: FCA ‐ Editora de Informática. Pt. 5, p. 151‐201.

Ex. 2: PROUST, Marcel [19‐?] – Em busca do tempo perdido . Lisboa: Livros do Brasil. Vol. 4.

2. Bibliographical references to electronic documents

2.1. Monographs, Databases

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title in italic [Support type]. Location: Publisher [Date of consultation]. Availability and access.

Ex. 1 – ALASNE, Martin (2004) - Las redes de bibliotecas públicas y su automatización [Online]. Madrid. [Consult. 24 May 2008]. Available at www:http://www.absysnet.com/tema/tema45.html

Ex. 2 – PORTUGAL. Biblioteca Nacional (1988) – Porbase [Online]. Lisboa: BN. [Consult. 24 May 2008]. Available at www: http://www.bn.pt .

Case 1 – Parts of documents

SURNAME, First name (date) – Title in italic [Support type]. Location: Publisher [Consultation date]. Chapter or consulted part. Availability and access.

Ex. LOURENÇO, Ana Maria (1997) – Problemas em biossíntese de produtos naturais [Online]. Monte da Caparica: Departamento de Química da UNL. [Consult. 24 May 2008]. Cap 5 – Metabólicos de biossíntese mista. Available at www: http://www.dq.fct.unl.pt.

2.2. Series publications

Case 1 – Entire publication

Title in italic [Support type]. Location: Publisher, date [Consultation date]. Availability and access.

Ex. Sociological Research online [Online]. Manchester: SRO, 1996. [Consult. 24 May 2008]. Available at www: http//www.socresonline.org.uk/socresonline

Case 2 – Articles

SURNAME, First name (of the article’s author) (date) – Title of the article. Title of the publication in italic [Support type]. Publication location: vol.; no, page. [Consultation date]. Availability and access.

Ex. PRIECE-WILKIN, John (1994) – Using the World Wide Web to deliver complex electronic documents. The Public Access Computer Systems Review [Online]. Vol.5: nº2, p.5-21. [Consult. 24 May 2008]. Available at gopher://info.lib.uh.edu:70/00/articles

B - Quotations

Quotations with up to three lines should be inserted in the text between quotation marks. Quotations with more than three lines should be highlighted as follows: Between quotation marks, font type Arial 8 Normal, with a 1.25 cm indentation, and 1 line spacing.

The bibliographic quotation, inserted in the text, should contain enough data to assure the exact correspondence to the bibliographic reference. Quotations may be presented as: (1) quotation on a note or (2) quotation in body of the text.

If the author’s name is part of the text, only the year and the page numbers must be identified between parenthesis, i.e.: According to Vieira (2016, p. 47), the standards of text production must always be followed.

1. Quotation in body of the text

Quotations in body of the text should be presented between parenthesis and include the author’s surname in capital letters, the publication year, and the quoted pages.

Ex. (THUN, 1998, 21)

Case 1. Quotations by more than an author

In quotations by more than an author, it suffices to mention the first author, followed by the expression et al. , thus guarantying an exact correspondence between the quotation and the bibliographic reference.

Ex. (THUN et al., 1998, 21)

Case 2. Documents by the same author with the same date

If an author appears more than once in the bibliographic references, it is necessary to add a letter (a, b, c, etc.) to the publication year, both in the quotation and the bibliographic reference, in order to assure the exact correspondence between the quotation and the reference.

Ex. (THUN, 1998a, 21)


On footnote quotations, the surname of the Author(s) should be written with lowercase letters, except for the first letter: Ex: Thun, 1998a, 21

As regards cases not covered herein, please consult NP405 -1, 2, 3 and NP405-4.