Colóquio organizado no âmbito do Programa de Mestrado Erasmus Mundus TPTI e pelo CIDEHUS apresenta cinco mesas redondas e uma conferência com a investigadora Irina Podgorny (Permanent research scholar (“Investigadora Principal”) at National Scientific and Technical Research Council - CONICET and director of the Historical Archive of La Plata Museum, Argentina)



9h - 9h15m – Reception of the participants.


9h 30m – Opening of the Worshop – Ana Cardoso de Matos (Master EM-TPTI) and Antónia Fialho Conde (CIDEHUS-UÉ)


10h00 -11h00m

Chair: Antónia Fialho Conde – CIDEHUS, University of Évora


Object biographies and the understanding of the history of collections of the Portuguese National Archaeological Museum
Elisabete J. Santos Pereira.
IHC, Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CEHFCI, University of Évora, Portugal

Technical-industrial collections: symbolic dimension of “work”, “factory” and of “innovation”
Maria da Luz Sampaio.



11h10m – 12h10

Chair: João Carlos Brigola- CIDEHUS - University of Évora

Beyond 'Scientific excellence on the periphery': the collection of the Experimental Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Coimbra (1936-1972)
Quintino Lopes.

Between original, miniatures and digital forms: safeguarding the railway heritage in closed enclosures
Fernanda de Lima Lourencetti.
CIDEHUS- University of Évora. Doctoral programme HERITAS-Heritage Studies


14h00m- 15h00m

Chair: Maria Ana Bernardo - CIDEHUS - University of Évora

Preserving cinematographic techniques and technology in the collection of George Eastman museum
Nevena Illic.
CIDEHUS- University of Évora. Doctoral programme HERITAS-Heritage Studies

Nitrate can ́t wait! Lindgren vs Langlois the archive paradox

Alexandre Ramos.
CIDEHUS- University of Évora. Doctoral programme HERITAS-Heritage Studies



15h10m – 16h20m

Chair: Filipe Themudo Barata (CIDEHUS- UÉ e MEMTPTI-UÉ)

New industrial museums for old factories: how was flour made in the last century?

Sheila Palomares Alarcón. CIDEHUS – University of Évora

Extract, transform and expose. Museology and marble industry in Belgium, Italy, Spain and Portugal
Armando Quintas.
CIDEHUS- University of Évora, CECHAP

Arcosanti: Urban laboratory as a learning asset.

Pietro Viscomi
CIDEHUS- University of Évora. Doctoral programme HERITAS-Heritage Studies



16h20m – 17h20

Chair: Maria de Fátima Nunes IHC, Nova University of Lisbon /CEHFCI, University

of Évora, Portugal

Entangled histories: The case of Friedrich Welwitsch’s Collections

Sara Albuquerque IHC-CEHFCi-UÉ

Living plant collections: The Portuguese Forest Service nurseries (1872-1974)

Ignacio García Pereda FCUL – CIUHCT



17h30m – Conference (streaming on CIDEHUS Facebook)

The universe of nineteenth-century Latin American museums

Irina Podgorny

Permanent research scholar (“Investigadora Principal”) at National Scientific and Technical Research Council - CONICET and director of the Historical Archive of La Plata Museum, Argentina

Chair: Ana Cardoso de Matos – MEM-TPTI e CIDEHUS- University of Évora

Organization: MEM-TPTI e CIDEHUS-UÉ
From 09.10.2020 to 09.10.2020
09:00 | Auditório