Visiting Researchers

Moreno Laborda Pacheco
Moreno Laborda Pacheco
period of visit: 12/01/2022 a 30/01/2022
subject of investigation: Os Franciscanos no Brasil e no Império Português: cronistas e missionários (1557-1657)
institution: Universidade Federal da Bahia
country of origin: Brasil
supervisor in Portugal: Mafalda Soares da Cunha
researcher type: Consolidation of career
Diane Guirard de Camproger
Diane Guirard de Camproger
period of visit: 21/10/2021 a 19/11/2021
subject of investigation: A figura equina no património material e imaterial do Alentejo
institution: Université de Caen Normandie
country of origin: França
supervisor in Portugal: Antónia Fialho Conde
researcher type: PhD
Antonio del Rocío Romero Zafra
Antonio del Rocío Romero Zafra
period of visit: 27/09/2021 a 27/10/2021
subject of investigation: El patrimonio de la Orden Militar de Calatrava en la Alta Andalucía: documentación y estudio
institution: Universidade de Sevilha
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar
researcher type: PhD
Rosalba Atilana Guerrero Sanchéz
Rosalba Atilana Guerrero Sanchéz
period of visit: 07/09/2021 a 13/10/2021
subject of investigation: Ideas filosóficas presentes en las Constituciones y/o Leyes orgánicas portuguesas y españolas en el período de 1920 a 1950
institution: Universidade de Extremadura
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: Fernando Martins
researcher type: Consolidation of career
María Nieves Sánchez Casado
María Nieves Sánchez Casado
period of visit: 07/06/2021 a 31/07/2021
subject of investigation: Estudo comparativo sobre as fábricas de farinha “Massas Leões” de Évora e “San Francisco” de Albacete
institution: Universidade de Castilha la Mancha
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: Ana Cardoso de Matos e Sheila Palomares Alarcón
researcher type: Consolidation of career
Claudia Lora Marques
Claudia Lora Marques
period of visit: 20/01/2021 a 20/04/2021
subject of investigation: Historia Social e Cultural dos almanaques literarios, uma perspetiva comparada com Portugal, 1719-1807
institution: Universidad de Cádiz (UCA)
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: María Zozaya-Montes
researcher type: PhD
Cristian Rodríguez Mesa
Cristian Rodríguez Mesa
period of visit: 08/12/2020 a 08/05/2021
subject of investigation: Una perspectiva comparada del nacionalismo europeo y la construcción de los Estados-nación: el caso de Portugal.
institution: Universidad de Cádiz (UCA)
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: María Zozaya-Montes
researcher type: Postdoctoral
Sergio Bravo Sánchez
Sergio Bravo Sánchez
period of visit: 01/11/2020 a 31/01/2021
subject of investigation: Imperatriz Isabel de Portugal, irmã de D. João III, filha de D. Manuel I, mulher do Imperador Carlos V
institution: Universidade Complutense de Madrid
country of origin: Espanha
supervisor in Portugal: Mafalda Soares da Cunha
researcher type: PhD
Irina Podgorny
Irina Podgorny
period of visit: 01/10/2020 a 31/10/2020
subject of investigation: Pharmacy Museums, animal and mineral medicaments: A comparative study proposal for a rejected heritage
institution: National Scientific and Technical Research Council CONICET– Buenos Aires e Arquivo Histórico do Museu de La Plata-Argentina
country of origin: Argentina
supervisor in Portugal: Ana Cardoso de Matos
researcher type: Visiting Scholar Master Erasmus Mundus TPTI
Phablo Roberto Marchis Fachin
Phablo Roberto Marchis Fachin
period of visit: 28/02/2020 a 27/01/2021
subject of investigation: Edição e estudo filológico de documentos relativos à história de Palmares
institution: Universidade de São Paulo
country of origin: Brasil
supervisor in Portugal: Maria Filomena Gonçalves
researcher type: Postdoctoral