RESISTANCE | Rebellion and resistance in the Iberian Empires, 16th-19th centuries



Economic inequalities, social exclusion, discrimination against minorities, cultural resistance and disruption of social cohesion are major issues in the current European and global concerns, in both in scholarly work and in policy-making. RESISTANCE project contributes to the development of this agenda by studying the resistance of subordinated social categories in the Iberian empires (1500-1850) from a “bottom-up” perspective in order to highlight their role in social change.

The project’s team comprises c. 110 researchers. Their work programme involves a multilevel comparison approach between different spaces and different historical periodes, comprising Europe, America, Asia and Africa. Analysis of both active and passive resistance phenomena is also targeted as well as the disqualifying processes they were submitted to by the dominant society.

Communication to wider audiences is another key concern of RESISTANCE as a means to transfer knowledge to today’s society. Several short videos, children ebooks, digital exhibitions and interviews are being produced and some of them are already published in the project’s YouTube and Twitter Channels.

CIDEHUS Researchers:  Mafalda Soares da Cunha (PI),  Ana Sofia Ribeiro, Graça Almeida Borges, Laurinda Abreu, Filipe Themudo Barata, Filomena Barros, Fernanda Olival, Francisco Brito, Rocío Velasco Tejedor and Daniela Nunes Pereira

Funding source:  European Commission/ Marie Skłodowska-Curie (H2020- MSCA-RISE-GA. n.778076)

Duration:  2018-2022



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