Last acquisitions


Valentim Alexandre

Conta o vento. Portugal, o império e a maré anticolonial (1945-1960)

2017, Temas e debates

Marc Ferro

Cinema and History

1988, Wayne University Press

Vinzenz Hediger, Patrick Vonderau (eds.)

Films that work. Industrial film and the productivity of Media

2009, Amesterdam University Press

Philip Long, Nigel D. Morpeth

Tourism and Creative Industries. Theories, policies and practices

2016, Routledge

Jeremy Benstein

Hebrew Roots, Jewish Roots. A tribal language in a global world

2019, Berhman House

Amy Mills

Streets of memory. Landscape, tolerance, and national identity in Istanbul

2010, The University of Georgia Press

José Antonio Piqueras, Imilcy Balboa Navarro (eds.)

Gente de color entre esclavos

2019, Comares Historia

Regina Grafe

Distant Tyrany. Markets, power, and backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800

2012, Princeton University Press

Friso Wielenga

A History of the Netherlands. From the sixteenth century to the present day

2020, Bloomsbury

Babs Anderson (ed.)

Philosophy for children

2017, Routledge

Joseph A. Maxwell

Diseño de investigación cualitativa

2019, Gedisa Editorial

Lewis Holloway, Phil Hubbard

People and place. The extraordinary geographies of everyday life

2001, Routledge

Susannah Heschel, Umar Rayd (eds.)

The muslim reception of European orientalism. Reversing the gaze.

2019, Routledge

Astrid Mignon Kischof, J. R. McNeilll

Nation and the Iron Curtain. Environmental Policy ans Social Movements and Capirtalist Countries. 1945-1990

2019, University of Pittsburgh press

John V. Tolan

Faces of Muhammad. Western perceptions of the prophet of Islam from the Middle Ages to today

2019, Princeton University Press

Ruth Young

Historical Archaeology and heritage in the Middle East

2019, Routledge

Manuel Lucena Almoral (coord.)

Historia de Iberoamérica. II Historia Moderna

2008, Cátedra

A mission to the medieval Middle East. The travels of Bertrandom de la Brocquière to Jerusalem and Constantinople.

2019, I. B. Tauris

Nelly Amri

Croire ao Maghreb medieval. La sainteté en question XIVe- XVe siècle

2019, Les Éditions du Cerf

John Henderson

Piety and charity in late medieval Florence

1994, The University of Chicago Press

Emilio Ridruejo (ed.)

Manual de Linguística Española

2019, DeGruyter

Daniel Valdivieso Ramos

La Córdoba de Ibn Hazm. Crónica de Ibn Hazm sobre la Qurtuba de los Banu Umaya

2018, Utopia Libros

Jarkko Saarinen

Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals: Research on Sustainable Tourism Geographies

2019, Routledge

Anukrati Sharma (ed.)

Sustainable Tourism Development: Futuristic Approaches (Advances in Hospitality and Tourism)

2019, Apple Academic Press

Susan Carson and Mark Pennings (eds.)

Performing Cultural Tourism: Communities, Tourists and Creative Practices (New Directions in Tourism Analysis Book 42)

2017, Routledge

Bert Smit and Frans Melissen

Sustainable Customer Experience Design: Co-creating Experiences in Events, Tourism and Hospitality

2018, Routledge

Philip Kotler  , Donald Haider, Irving Rein

Marketing Places

 2002, The Free Press

Rebecca Wurzburger, Tom Aageson, Alex Pattakos, Sabrina Pratt (eds.)

Creative Tourism, A Global Conversation

2009, Santa Fe

Jarkko Saarinen and Alison M. Gill (eds.)

Resilient Destinations and Tourism: Governance Strategies in the Transition towards Sustainability in Tourism (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)

2019, Routledge

Vanessa Ratten, Vitor Braga, José Álvarez-García, Maria de la Cruz del Rio-Rama

Tourism Innovation: Technology, Sustainability and Creativity (Innovation and Technology Horizons)

2020, Routledge


Corpvs Christianorvm. Continvatio medaevalis. LXV

2018, Brepols

José A. González Alcantud (ed.)

Culturas de frontera. Andalucía y Marruecos en el debate en la modernidad

2019, Anthropos

Mostapha Jarmouni Jarmouni

Ibn Jaldun. Autobiografía y viajes a través de Occidente y Oriente

2018, Granada

Brian A. Catlos

Reinos de Fé. Una nueva historia de la España Musulmana

2018, Pasado & Presente

Alexandra Beauchamp, Antonio Furió, Germán Gamero Igea, María Narbona Cárceles (eds.)

Acoger, abastecer y financiar la corte. Las relaciones entre las cortes ibéricas y las sociedades urbanas a finales de la Edad Media

2019, Universitat de Valencia

Marie-Thérèse Champagne, Irven M. Resnick

Jews and Muslims under the Fourth Lateran Council

2018, Brepols


Michael R. McVaugh

Medicine before the plague. Practicioners and their patients in the crown of Aragon (1285-1345)

1993, Cambridge University Press

Kristy Wilson Bowers

Plague and public health in early modern Seville

2013, University of Rochester Press

Claire Crignon, David Lefebvre

Médecins et philosophes. Une histoire

2019, CNRS Éditions

Dean Phillip Bell (ed.)

Plague in the Early Modern World. A Documentary History

2019, Routledge

Tomás Pérez Vejo, Pablo Yankelevich (coords.)

Raza y política en Hispanoamérica

2018, Iberoamericana

Antonio Feros

Nación y raza en el mundo hispánico, 1450-1820

2019, Marcial Pons Historia

Bartolomé Yun-Casalilla

Iberian World Empires and the Globalization of Europe 1415-1668

2019, Palgrave MacMillan

J. C. Sharman

Empires of the weak. The real story of european expansión and the creation of the new worls order

2019, Princeton University Press

Peter Mason

El Drago en el Jardín de Edén. Las Islas Canarias en la circulación transatlántica de imágenes en el mundo ibérico, siglos XVI-XVII

2018, Iberoamericana Vervuert

Carmen Ferragud Domingo

La cura dels animals. Menescals i menescalia a la València medieval

2009, Editorial Afers

Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada

España a finales de la Edad Media.

1. Población. Economia

2017, Editorial Dykinson

José María Monsalvo Antón

La construcción del poder real en la Monarquía castellana (Siglos XI-XV)

2019, Marcial Pons

José María Monsalvo Antón

Los conflitos sociales en la Edad Media

2016, Editorial Sintesis

José María Monsalvo Antón (ed.)

Sociedades urbanas y culturas políticas en la Baja Edad Media castellana

2013, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca

Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio mediaeualis LXV e LXXIV

2003, Brepols

Isabella Lazzarini

Amicizia e potere. Reti politiche e sociale nell'Italia medievale

2010, Bruno Mondadori

Andrea Gamberini, Isabella Lazzarini (eds.)

The Italian Renaissance State

2012, Cambridge University Press

José António Jara Fuente (coord.)

Discurso político y relaciones de poder: Ciudad nobleza y monarquía en la Baja Edad Media

2017, Dykinson