
Round-Table: “Railway Heritage from Different Perspectives”. Evento virtual.

From 08.01.2021 to 08.01.2021
15:00 | Evento virtual

Colóquio organizado no âmbito do Programa de Mestrado Erasmus Mundus TPTI e pelo CIDEHUS apresenta cinco mesas redondas e uma conferência com a investigadora Irina Podgorny (Permanent research scholar (“Investigadora Principal”) at National Scientific and Technical Research Council - CONICET and director of the Historical Archive of La Plata Museum, Argentina)

From 09.10.2020 to 09.10.2020
09:00 | Auditório
Programação do segundo ciclo de entrevistas "Os arquivos em tempos de pandemia e a adaptação à nova normalidade", coordenado pelo investigador Paulo Batista
Published in 22.09.2020

Ricardo Agarez, investigador do CIDEHUS, professor do Departamento de Arquitectura da Universidade de Évora e membro do Conselho da European Architectural History Network, é o vencedor de uma bolsa Starting Grant do Conselho Europeu de Investigação (ERC), no valor de aproximadamente um milhão e meio de euros com o projecto “Built Environment Knowledge for Resilient, Sustainable Communities: Understanding Everyday Modern Architecture and Urban Design in the Iberian Peninsula (1939-1985)”- ReARQ.IB.

Published in 03.09.2020

A Asociación Ibérica de Historia Ferroviaria (ASIHF) convoca o VIII Congreso de Historia Ferroviaria, que se celebrará em Lisboa durante os dias 27-28-29 de octubre de 2021 en las sedes del ISCTE (CIES-IUL), el cual cuenta con el apoyo de la Universidade de Évora (CIDEHUS) y la Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (CIUHCT).



From 27.10.2021 | 09:30 to 29.10.2021 | 17:00

CIDEHUS is available to host applications for individual Marie Skłodowska-Curie scholarships, as part of its strategic project and scientific agenda.

until July 1 interested parties should send documents  to

Published in 01.06.2020
Pandemic Stories

A multidisciplinary team from the University of Évora intends to find solutions for the recovery of the economy based on historical and epidemiological evidence.

Published in 29.04.2020
Interview with André Silva (in Portuguese)
by Sónia Bombico

André Silva is a Ph.D. student in Medieval History at the University of Porto and integrates the research teams of CITCEM - University of Porto and CIDEHUS - University of Évora. His academic career is focused on the study of socio-cultural and economic contexts associated with the History of Health Sciences, in the Medieval period in Portugal.

Published in 28.04.2020
Call for Applications

Within the Individual Call for Scientific Employment Incentive for post-doctoral Fellows financed by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology), the Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Culture and Societies (CIDEHUS) welcomes applications in the framework of its scientific agenda from candidates who wish to submit their projects having CIDEHUS as the host institution.

Published in 07.01.2020